19 Sep 2022 We Don’t Want to Look at What we Don’t Understand, Press Play with Madeleine Brand — KCRW

LA-based photographer Penny Wolin’s portraits have appeared in Esquire, Rolling Stone, The New York Times, and Vanity Fair. She’s shot American Icons like Annie Leibovitz, Ansel Adams, George Burns, and Charlton Heston. Before that, her subjects were people on the fringe, just hanging on.
In 1975, age at 21, she rented a room in a single room occupancy hotel in Hollywood called the St. Francis. She photographed — in black and white — the residents in their rooms. Each intimate picture came with pithy descriptions like “jobless and homeless with plenty of future ahead.”
Now 47 years later, Penny Wolin is presenting these photographs for the first time in a book called “Guest Register.”